15 October, 2017

Jolly waali Diwali

It's that time of the year when the entire city is in a frenzy.. shops are open way past midnight so people working the day shift can shop at night. The roads are so bright with all the serial lights making the street lights look sober!

Jolly Waali Diwali is here and this time we have again gone for a minimal Diwali. Minimal Diwali is where we are educated enough to realise that crackers equals pollution but childish enough to burst just a fewnpatakas for that little bit of joy. G man is particularly excited about Diwali crackers this year .. he has been collecting all the ten rupee notes from both our wallets to buy crackers. Well, it's not much but it's still happy.

Diwali with my parents followed by two days of us time in the apartment. We are planning to play UNO, watch TV, long drives to nowhere and loads of sweets! We are looking forward to a family Diwali.. what are your plans for Diwali?

This is our first Diwali just us. This whole year we have been doing things on our own and I'm hoping some become traditions for us as a family. If in twenty years, my son snuggles in a bean bag reading a book every Saturday morning, it'll be a tradition that lived. If in twenty years, Padhu puts his phone on charge only to realise the next morning it hasn't been charging all night, it's a tradition that lived. If in twenty years, my hibiscus plants haven't bloomed, well, that's just a sad sad story. Hoping these first years we make traditions that live and stories to tell!

Happy Diwali everyone!

Winter soup - Recipe

Hello All! Winter does call for some cozy and cuddly food. My first choice for cuddly winter food would be a  good bowl of soup. Initia...