15 September, 2008

Why Weekends!?

What has Pragi been doing durign weekends? 

How was your weekend? 

Howz your new house? 

Well well well... Seriosly BLAH! 

Just when I thought I'm done...
When I decide I have my space...
Privacy and all...
...my landlord brings home carpenters to fix cupboards (I had shelves as you can see)

That screws a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, then comes a Monday when they ask me to extend my frustration & patience till Tuesday! All these days include me staying in the hall and keeping things in J's room.

Well... I did! And I got this lovely room with cupboards without which I was living paying 5000 bucks till now.. Now i feel its worth 4000 bucks! 

Just when I think.. YAY I'm done!.. my ladnlord appears with painters to paint the plywood inside the cupboards! AArrggh! 

There goes another Saturday morning's sleep and When they knocked my door for Sunday's work... I was furious! So here I'm in office blogging this frustration while painters in my room might honestly be doing about anything to my cupboard! HMPF! 

But I have a room now... cupboards, windows, corrected cutain hangers and a LOCK to the cupboards! Phew! 5000 bucks.. what the hell do landlords think of themselves! 

Winter soup - Recipe

Hello All! Winter does call for some cozy and cuddly food. My first choice for cuddly winter food would be a  good bowl of soup. Initia...